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15-6-2023 How Does A DUI Attorney Construct A Defense For DUI Cases

James Stephenson

Facing a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) charge can be a distressing experience with potentially severe consequences. 

During this challenging time, a DUI attorney plays a crucial role in constructing a solid defense strategy to protect the rights and interests of the accused. In this blog post, we will delve into the key steps and strategies that a DUI attorney employs when building a defense for DUI cases.

How Does an Attorney for DUI Cases Can Help Construct a Case?

DUIs are significant crimes with intricate circumstances (such as Fourth Amendment stops, problems with detention and arrest, breathalyzer testing, blood tests, accidents, etc.). Even at the misdemeanor level, many crimes have more serious repercussions than many felonies.

How Does an Attorney for DUI Cases Can Help Construct a Case?

Case Evaluation

A skilled DUI attorney begins by thoroughly assessing the details of the case. They review all available evidence, including police reports, breathalyzer or blood test results, witness statements, and any video footage. 

This evaluation helps identify any potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and the strengths to leverage in the defense.

Constitutional Violations

One aspect a DUI attorney explores is whether there were any constitutional violations during the traffic stop, arrest, or collection of evidence. If the defendant’s rights were violated, such as improper search and seizure or Miranda rights violations, the attorney can argue for the exclusion of evidence.

Field Sobriety Test Accuracy

DUI attorneys scrutinize the accuracy and administration of field sobriety tests. They examine whether the officer followed proper protocols and consider factors that could have influenced the test results, such as medical conditions, poor weather conditions, or the officer’s lack of training.

Breathalyzer and Blood Tests

Attorneys may challenge the reliability of breathalyzer and blood test results. They investigate whether the testing equipment was properly calibrated, maintained, and operated by qualified personnel. 

Additionally, they may question the handling and storage of blood samples, chain of custody, and the qualifications of the laboratory conducting the analysis.

Witness Testimony and Expert Witnesses

DUI attorneys may call upon witnesses, such as passengers or bystanders, to testify about the defendant’s behavior or condition at the time of the arrest. 

They may also consult expert witnesses, such as toxicologists or accident reconstruction experts, to challenge the prosecution’s evidence and provide alternative explanations or interpretations.

Negotiation and Plea Bargaining

Most DUI cases are never tried in court. In actuality, the majority of criminal cases end in plea deals or are dropped. If a dismissal of your case is not an option, your lawyer will counsel you on the benefits and drawbacks of taking a plea deal. 

Your criminal lawyer will negotiate on your behalf to get the greatest result if you decide that a plea bargain is in your best interests. 

Your attorney will then point out any holes in the prosecution’s case against you based on the evidence that is at hand. In general, you can anticipate a better settlement the stronger the case against you is.

Based on the evidence and circumstances, a DUI attorney may engage in negotiation and plea bargaining with the prosecution. 

They aim to secure a favorable outcome for their client, such as reduced charges, alternative sentencing options, or dismissal of the case if the evidence is weak or flawed.

Driving While Intoxicated Is Against Illinois Law

Anyone who operates a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or other substances is subject to arrest in Illinois for DWI or DUI. Your blood alcohol level might land you in a DWI or DUI case if it is more than 0.8 percent. 

The law applies to all modes of transportation, including watercraft, ships, and other vehicles in addition to automobiles.

Driving While Intoxicated Is Against Illinois Law

How Should A DUI Defense Be Put Together?

No effort is spared by our defense DUI lawyers in defending our clients. We consider every facet of the situation and develop potential defense strategies for their clients. They frequently contend that the client was driving while intoxicated because of an emergency. 

In order to anticipate the questions the prosecutor will ask, we create possibilities. In order to defend themselves in court, they also prepare their responses in advance. It is advised that you engage us as your defense attorneys because we have a lot of expertise defending DUI cases.

Summing It Up

Constructing a solid defense for DUI cases requires a comprehensive understanding of the law, attention to detail, and strategic planning. A DUI attorney diligently evaluates the evidence, challenges constitutional violations, questions the accuracy of tests, and leverages expert testimony to build a strong defense. 

Ultimately, their goal is to protect their client’s rights, minimize the consequences, and seek the best possible outcome in the face of DUI charges. If you find yourself in such a situation, consulting an experienced DUI attorney is crucial to ensure your defense is skillfully constructed.



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